One Throne Magazine

One Throne showcases the foremost in writing, which includes all genres and spans all styles.

We are open to submissions of unpublished short fiction and creative nonfiction (2,500 words – 7,500 words), and poetry.


  1. One Throne only accepts unpublished work. Yes, for us, even publishing on your own blog counts as "publishing." It's more difficult to attract readers if your fans have already read your piece on your blog (or elsewhere).

  2. Sorry, we do not accept simultaneous submissions.

  3. Response times: Our staff works hard to provide among the fastest responses around. Duotrope currently lists our average response times as being <2 days for prose and <4 days for poetry. However, these numbers can vary (i.e., if your submission has been shortlisted).

  4. Writers are invited to submit a maximum of: (a) one piece of fiction, or (b) one piece of creative nonfiction, or (c) up to three poems. Then after we reach our decision, please wait another one month before submitting anything new.

  5. Word count: We only consider works of fiction and creative nonfiction that are between 2,500 - 7,500 words. Poems can be of any length that is reasonable.

  6. For accepted work, One Throne asks for exclusive right to publication for three-months starting from the day it is published  (after which you may reprint it anywhere else), and non-exclusive right to publish indefinitely.

  7. (a) We highly-value writing, but unfortunately do not offer monetary compensation. One Throne is cash-poor; the staff volunteer, and to allow access to a diverse audience, issues are offered online worldwide without charge. But we try to repay the value of your writing the best we can, in other ways.

    Artists donate stunning artwork to complement each poem or story. Then we carefully edit; for example, prose will often pass between writer and editor five or more times before being published. Finally, after it's published, we will promote your writing (individually) through social media. Although none of it is cash, we believe all the above, but especially the art, also holds significant worth.

    (b) We offer the option of a personal donation link at the foot of your work. Donations made there go directly to you through PayPal. If interested in such a link, please mention it after your work is accepted.

Thank you, we will value your contribution. 

George Filipovic
Editor, One Throne Magazine

One Throne Magazine